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Image result for shri ram ashram senior secondary school
Shri Ram Ashram Sen. Sec. School was established in 1923 with an objective to provide quality education and to inspire the students towards the spirit of Nationalism. Fortunately under the guidance and blessings of Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya Ji, the formation of Shri Ram Ashram educational Society was set up and proved to be a success. The foundation stone of the building of  “ Shri Ram Ashram Sen. Sec. School” at The Mall was laid by Bharat Rattan Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, then Vice-President of India, on 12th February,1955.
By imparting excellent education our institution was rated as the best school of Amritsar with the meritorious efforts of the management of the school under the stupendous guidance and support of Dr. Harbilas Rai Ji, Former President of Shri Ram Educational Society (Regd.)
The foundation stone of Shri Ram Ashram Sen. Sec. School, Satnam Avenue, Batala Road was laid by Dr. Harbilas Rai Ji himself. After Dr. Harbilas Rai Ji, our present President Hon’ble Sh. B. K. Bajaj Ji, by his dynamic approach is contributing immensely and magnificently to run this institution.

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