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I'm not a bigot says 'sorry' comic Barr over her 'Muslim ape' tweet

During her interview on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel show, Barr lamented the damage done to her by her tweet about Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to ex-US president Barack Obama. “It cost me everything. I wish I worded it better,” she said.
Hannity repeatedly urged Barr to apologise to Ms Jarrett on air. The comedian eventually did, saying that she was sorry for the poorly worded tweet. She said she would tell Ms Jarrett: “I’m sorry that you feel harm and hurt, I never meant that. I never meant to hurt anybody.” She repeated her assertion that she did not know Ms Jarrett was black when she likened her to a cross between the Muslim Brotherhood and a ‘Planet of the Apes’ actor. Barr repeatedly said her tweet was meant to address US-Middle Eastern policy and had no racial overtones

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